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Facts About Carers

There are about 6.5 million carers in the UK today, with an estimated over 34,000 living in Croydon.

According to several report, the Carers UK found that

  • 22% of carers had reduced their working hours because of their caring role.
  • 44% of carers said they had put off health treatment because of their caring role.
  • 78% of carers were worried about being unable to provide care in the future.
  • Only 19% of carers who are employees in our survey had taken unpaid Carer’s Leave.

Read more in the full State of Caring survey (2023) here.

Read more in the full 'The impact of caring on: employment' (2023) report here.

Many people who have a caring role do not recognise that they are carers and as such never realise what support is available to them. To reach out to more carers, we work closely with our colleagues in a variety of settings to encourage the identification of carers in Croydon.

To support this work, we produce a series of posters and leaflets for professionals to display in public areas such as libraries, faith organisations, health, education and social care settings. You can request copies of our posters and general information leaflet, or you can request print copies by emailing email hidden; JavaScript is required.

We are also keen to come and talk to professional groups about our services and how we can work together to support Croydon's carers. Please email email hidden; JavaScript is required to find out more.

How we can help your client

The Carers Information Service provides information, advice and support to carers looking after someone due to illness, disability or old age in Croydon. Carers are welcome to contact us directly on 020 8649 9339, option 1, or you can refer carers directly to us with their consent. To make a referral to the Carers Information Service, please fill in our referral form, stating clearly which services your client would welcome and send the email to email hidden; JavaScript is required.

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Carers Support Centre

The central hub for for anyone in Croydon caring for a family member or friend, who needs help due to illness or disability.
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