Looking after your health
Our Health and Hospital Services factsheet has general information for carers, including community health services, support with health costs and hospital discharge.
It’s easy to forget to look after your own health needs whilst juggling everything else, but it’s important to take care of yourself. Here are some general tips and resources to support you to look after your health whilst caring:
- Try to stay comfortable during extreme weather - keep cool in a heatwave at home, but if you're in Croydon, the Carers Support Centre in George Street, Croydon will remain open as normal during hot or inclement weather (Mon, Wed, Fri, 10am-1pm). We have air-con and heating. Croydon Council will be working to keep essential services running as normal. Residents can contact the council online or via 020 8726 6000. Check TfL for the latest travel updates before you make any journeys.
- Tell your GP that you are a carer - it's important to ensure that your GP is aware of the impact caring has on your health. Ways your GP can support you may include placing you on their Carers' Register, giving you information about local carer support, keeping a closer eye on your overall health, offering you a flu jab in the winter flu period (if eligible) and demonstrating greater flexibility when offering you appointments. You may wish to download our Carers GP Checklist and share it with your GP.
- Get enough sleep - many carers experience sleep difficulties due to stress and caring responsibilities.
- Diet and exercise - eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting regular exercise can be a real struggle when you are caring. See the Live Well Croydon website for a health MOT and tips on healthier lifestyles. If you are finding this tough to achieve because of your caring role, speak to your GP.
- Get a free flu jab for you, as well as the person you care for - If you care for an ill or disabled person who may be at risk if you fell ill, or if you receive Carer's Allowance, you are entitled to a free NHS flu jab.
- Relaxation time - carers are often 'time poor', but even setting aside a short period of relaxation time for yourself can make a difference. We offer a range of wellbeing activities at the Carers Support Centre, including reading, singing and dance.
- Talk to someone - if you are feeling stressed and want to speak to someone outside the situation, you can drop-in to the Carers Support Centre, call our helpline on 020 8649 9339, option 1 or email email hidden; JavaScript is required. If you need urgent mental health support, go to our Help in an Emergency pages.
Health Advice Providers
Mind in Croydon's online directory of mental health services provides mental health information and details of local services. MIND in Croydon will also have a monthly presence at our Carers Café, every last Monday of the month.
Livewell Croydon is a one-to-one service for Croydon residents who who might find it difficult to make healthy changes in their life without that little bit of extra support. See: Ready to change? | Just Be Croydon
Croydon BME Forum runs the Wellness Centre which offers support to help people prevent the onset of mental health problems and alleviate issues such as stress, anxiety, isolation, and low mood. The service offer support to adults with mild, severe, and enduring long-term conditions.
Carers UK has a free online course for carers called You and Your Wellbeing which is designed to help you build strategies to maintain your physical and emotional wellbeing whilst caring. You can access it here.