If you are a carer it's vital to get information and advice about cost of living support schemes, especially those specifically for Croydon residents. With energy bills set to soar and despite government assistance announced earlier this year, many of us will be struggling to afford these increased bills. Some national organisations are advocating for additional assistance to be announced for vulnerable people and families, but you should also check to see if you can maximise your income and reduce your energy bills.

Support for Carers who are Croydon Residents

South West London Law Centres can help if you’re unable to pay your essential bills due to the rising cost of living. Expert advisers can check you are getting the money you are entitled to and help you find ways to cope with the cost of living. They can apply for discounts and grants on your behalf and advise on benefits claims to improve your financial situation. They can also help you reduce your household bills and offer support with form filling and accessing other services. Please note this service is only available for people living in South London (including those placed in temporary accommodation by a South London borough).

You can access the Cost of Living service by:

Croydon Council help with the cost of living can be found here

Simply Connect Croydon has information about local food banks and other community support here.

Money A+E provides money advice & education to disadvantaged groups, Diverse Ethnic Communities (DEC) and young people. Their Money Coach service provides free debt, benefits, energy and money advice.​ The advice is free, confidential and impartial.  Find out more here.

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Carers Support Centre

The central hub for for anyone in Croydon caring for a family member or friend, who needs help due to illness or disability.
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