Your voice matters. Join us this Friday 24 January at 10.30am to make sure it’s heard.

Photo showing the front of the Carers Information Centre on George Street Croydon

The Carers Information Service is proud to work in partnership with South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) and Mind in Croydon to hold these forums for carers and families of people with mental health needs.

Free refreshments will be provided, along with a friendly space to share your views and experiences and help us improve mental health care and support.

There is no need to book, although it can be helpful to let us know if you will attend and you can request further information from Lucy Hamer on 07992 517 044 or email hidden; JavaScript is required

For individual advice please contact MIND on 0208 688 1210 or the Carers Information Service on 0208 649 9339

Forum meeting dates and locations for 2025

Friday 24th January 1030am-1230pm
Croydon Carers Support Centre, 24 George Street, Croydon CR0 1PB

Friday 28th February 1030am-1230pm
MIND, Fairfield House, 10 Altyre Road , East Croydon, CR0 5LA

Friday 28th March 1030am-1230pm
Croydon Carers Support Centre, 24 George Street, Croydon CR0 1PB

Friday 25th April 1030am-1230pm
MIND, Fairfield House, 10 Altyre Road , East Croydon, CR0 5LA

Friday 23rd May 1030am-1230pm
Croydon Carers Support Centre, 24 George Street, Croydon, CR0 1PB

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Carers Support Centre

The central hub for for anyone in Croydon caring for a family member or friend, who needs help due to illness or disability.
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