Workshops & Training

Character holding workshop session

We offer free workshops and information sessions throughout the year which provide information and advice on a range of topics relevant to carers. As well as learning new skills, our workshops provide opportunities to meet other carers and swap tips and ideas. See Whats On for more details.

Slide Shows

Have a look at these audio and visual presentations of our frequently asked questions training sessions:

New To Caring

Am I a carer? What is a carer's assessment? How do I look after my own health?

Am I entitled to any financial support? What is carer's allowance? What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?

I live in a different area to the person I care for, where can I find help? I am a young carer, how do I get help? I care for a disabled child, is there support for me?

I'm a working carer, what are my rights? How can I prepare for emergencies? Where can I find a good care home?

Animated Workshops

Have a look at these animated versions of some of our popular workshops.

Managing Time

New to Caring

Coping with Stress

Impact of Caring on Relationships

Coping with Sleep Difficulties

Assertiveness for Carers

Managing holidays and festivities

Managing Time

New to Caring?

Coping with Stress

Impact of Caring on Relationships

Coping with Sleep Difficulties

Assertiveness for Carers

Managing holidays and festivities

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Carers Support Centre

The central hub for for anyone in Croydon caring for a family member or friend, who needs help due to illness or disability.
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